BCRC Training Coordinator’s News November 2017 – Jim Davis
December 2016 UKSAR Training Applications:
4 applications were submitted:
Upper Wharfedale Fell Rescue Association – UWFRA:
- Blue light driving training.
- Fred Easyport Training defibrilltor.
- CPR training manikin, Laerdal Resusci-Annie QCPR full body with airway head and skill guide.
South and Mid Wales Cave Rescue Team (SMWCRT)
- Training equipment for revised & modernised Advanced First Aid / Casualty Care Course.
- Support towards costs of delivering 2017 revised & modernised Advanced First Aid / Casualty Care Course.
- Blue Light Training for 6 Drivers of Team Landrover Ambulance.
- Off Road 4×4 Driving Training for 8 Team members for Team Landrover Ambulance.
- Support towards costs of delivery of Training sessions for the BCRC National Conference 2017.
Mendip Cave Rescue (MCR)
- Ruth Lee training manikin
- Ancillaries- tackle bags, helmet, over-suit, wellies.
Cave Rescue Organisation (CRO)
- 4 x half day BORDA approved recovery courses for 24 team members.
All the applications were granted amounting to £17,131. Thank you to UKSAR for this valuable assistance in support of our voluntary rescue teams.
August 2017 UKSAR Training Applications 3 applications were submitted:
Derbyshire Cave Rescue Organisation (DCRO)
- Two C1 driver training courses including large vehicle theory and hazard perception, practical tests and medicals.
South and Mid Wales Cave Rescue Team (SMWCRT)
- Delivery of 2018 Advanced First Aid Modernised Course for 16 members.
- Competent Person Equipment management, inspection & maintenance training for 2 members.
- Equipment Inspection Course for Team members for 10 members.
Gloucester Cave Rescue Group (GCRG).
- ITC Level 3 Award in Outdoor First Aid for 48 members
I was out of the UK for both the BCRC and MREW AGMs.
I attended the November MREW Medical Symposium at Ambleside and the MREW November main and the training sub committee meetings.
Matters arising from these meetings are:
- Level of detail for Guidelines, training records, and risk assessments.
- Presence of BCRC at UKSAR in February 2018.
- Lost and Missing Persons Search Framework- LAMPS.
- General Data Protection Regulations.
Download a PDF copy of this report: BCRC Training Coordinator Report Nov 2017