Hidden Earth 2024

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BCRC at Hidden Earth 2024

BCRC Stand at Hidden Earth 2024 (P.Dennis)
The BCRC Stand at Hidden Earth 2024 (Peter Dennis)

BCRC presented a display stand in the trade hall at the Hidden Earth national caving conference 2024, organised by the British Cave Research Association. This year Hidden Earth was located at the Royal International Pavilion, Llangollen in North Wales over the weekend of 21-22 September. The BCRC stand was attended by BCRC officers Peter Dennis and Toby Hamnett, with contributions from Kelvin Lake and Tony Haigh.

We were located amongst caving club stands and were pleased to be situated next to the display stand of the North Wales Cave Rescue Organisation, the operational underground rescue team for the locality. There was a steady flow of interested cavers or fellow cave rescuers, which led to some fruitful conversations. A worthwhile activity to raise awareness of the national role of BCRC. The presence of the local cave rescue team alongside BCRC served to demonstrate the distinct national and local functions and activities of the organisations.